Bone and joint diseases such as lumbar spondylosis, herniated disc, joint pain… will cause you pain, discomfort, loss of appetite, insomnia, especially when the weather changes, the seasons change. pain becomes more and more severe. So what should be done to improve pain as well as prevent joint pain during the season change?
Common musculoskeletal disorders
Anyone can suffer from bone and joint pain such as back pain, shoulder pain… at some point in time and musculoskeletal pain is one of the common diseases with typical diseases such as degenerative spondylolisthesis in general. have cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis or knee osteoarthritis… These are diseases with high prevalence and statistics show that 60% of people over 65 years old have musculoskeletal diseases and diseases. spine, more than 85% of people over 80 have musculoskeletal and spine diseases, while younger people, after the age of 35, the incidence is 30%. Through these data, it can be seen that not only the elderly suffer from osteoarthritis, but the rate of this disease in young people is also quite high.
In musculoskeletal diseases such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis…, osteoporosis often appears later and often occurs in pre-menopausal women, middle-aged people and the elderly. Osteoarthritis can also be seen in children, such as juvenile idiopathic arthritis or reactive arthritis in middle-aged adults, or the disease can occur at any age such as rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis… Middle-aged and elderly people can all suffer from degenerative joint disease and at a certain stage, osteoarthritis is often accompanied by herniated discs in the lumbar spine and cervical spine.
Why does joint pain often increase when changing seasons?
If these diseases are mild, they will only cause pain, but after this stage, from transient aches and pains or just pain when moving, the pain will happen more often, more continuously, painful. uncomfortable, causing insomnia. The pain can make you cry, unable to sleep. In some cases, the disease also causes compression leading to muscle weakness, atrophy and more seriously, paralysis.
During the transition of the season, you often feel pain rather than due to the change of weather, the weather changes from hot to cold or the sun turns to rain… causing muscle contraction, vasoconstriction. Osteoarthritis is inherently painful, plus the weather changes to become colder, which will make muscle contractions worse. And that’s why in the winter-spring time, osteoarthritis pain is more severe, many people with osteoarthritis develop the disease at this time.
How to get rid of joint pain
Usually, to relieve the pain, you can use non-teriodic pain relievers. Osteoarthritis pain in general is often accompanied by muscle spasms, so your doctor may recommend you to use more muscle relaxants, muscle softeners. These are general pain relief methods, but prevention or non-drug treatment is also effective in improving and overcoming joint pain, you can apply methods such as rehabilitation, physical therapy, and physical therapy. Physical therapy includes massage, hot compress or acupressure, appropriate exercise and sports… These methods will help relax muscles, reduce pain effectively and prevent recurrent pain.
In addition, you can also use supportive products such as if you have pain and pressure on nerves, use more products containing Gingko Biloba, Blueberry extract, pre-vitamin B1 or for people with osteoporosis, pre-osteoporosis can can use more calcium.
However, depending on the stage of the disease and the stage of the disease, each patient will have a different treatment. It is best when you feel pain in your joints, you should go to a doctor to be examined and perform tests such as scans, ultrasounds… effective treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.
The role of calcium in helping to overcome bone and joint diseases
Calcium supplementation is very necessary, especially for people with osteoarthritis. However, this mineral does not have a direct pain-relieving effect, but an indirect effect. In addition to creating the skeleton to support the body, calcium also participates in many other functions of the body such as blood clotting function, muscle contraction function such as smooth muscle heart muscle, participating in the immune process. of the body… Therefore, calcium supplementation is extremely important and necessary. But how to properly supplement, not everyone knows.
The daily diet only provides 54% of the body’s calcium needs, but the body’s calcium needs are not the same at different stages, such as pregnant women, growing children or the elderly. People often suffer from osteoporosis… then the need for calcium will be higher than normal, needing more than 1000mg/day. Therefore, the diet cannot provide enough calcium for the body and calcium supplementation is very important and necessary.
In order for calcium to work, you need to supplement calcium for your body according to the needs of each stage and when adding calcium, you need other ingredients such as vitamins D3, MK7. Thanks to these two components, calcium is absorbed to the maximum.